
We do an important thing

ROBOUA rebranding
Children of the XXI century can be interested only in something really cool. That's why our rebranding for RoboUA is about the technological future - with an artificial intelligence and robots. To make it even more interesting, we created a concept of characters. So the robots have become new style carriers. Scary, serious, fun - everyone can choose their favorite transformer. Campaign The new style has already been used in the "summer camp" tactical campaign, which aimed to motivate parents to make their child's summer useful until they missed it, like a pre-roll on YouTube.

Новий стиль уже встигли використати у тактичній кампанії "літній табір", ціль якої була мотивувати батьків зробити літо своєї дитини корисним поки вона не пропустила його, ніби прерол на YouTube.

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